Ozgur Yilmaz | Coaching Page
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Coaching will help you to find the answers from within.

Life presents to us an endless series of situations that require us to make difficult choices. While many factors are involved in the making of a decision, that which you value most, is the most important.

Knowing your values or highest priorities is the most important place to start if you intend to expand to the next level of your empowerment.

Whether you want to grow your business, finances, influence, or whether you intend to transform your relationship, health, or any other area of your life, it all starts with understanding what you value most. 

Over the years, I have learned how to live a truly meaningful life and today, I have put together a formula to guide you to master your life step by step. Here is the formula.


We are all here for a reason. We all have a unique gift, one we must share with humanity.  

The cultivation of your gift requires discipline, dedication and training. Though once cultivated, the sharing of this gift with humanity will provide your life with a purpose, one which will sustain you through life. As Frederick Nietzsche said – “he who has a why can bear almost any how”.


There are many ways to live your life, the best way to do it is to be of service. It is to serve the human race, regardless of age, race, gender, culture, religion, or current life placement. A little effort can cause an upswing in the condition of someone’s life, and how wonderful it is when you’re partly responsible for this positive change?


Once you know who you are and how you can help the world, you have to make sure you are supported in the same way. Humanity is built in the community and is a key factor in your development. This might be your family members, friends, neighbours, work colleagues,  support groups or organisations. No matter what it is, you need a tribe to thrive.

My purpose is clear. I am here to help you to find your calling. I am here to coach you through this life-changing journey, to support you along the way, to guide you to connect with yourself, to help you to unlock your full potential and to live the life you deserve. It is for this reason that I have created Journey Begins Coaching – an online platform designed to help you find meaning in life and to become a better leader and business. 

Although many leaders will brag about how self-aware they are, only 10 to 15 per cent of the population fit the criteria. Why not you?

Over the years, through personal and professional circumstances, I have developed a methodology that guarantees success. Interested to know more about my coaching services?

Take a look at the Journey Begins Coaching and book a free discovery consultation.